Born in London, Ruth grew up in England and Germany and moved to the US after graduating from the University of Cambridge. She completed a Ph.D. on the subject of landscape in 19th century literature at Harvard before starting a professional career in finance.

After 30 years of executive and board experience in fixed income and risk management, Ruth returned to her interests in the arts.

In 2016 she retrained as a painter New York Academy of Art, completing the Certificate of Fine Art in 2016, followed by the MFA degree in 2018.

She is a Barbara Bodichon fellow of Girton College, University of Cambridge, and is the 2018 recipient of the Dahesh Museum of Art Award. Ruth lives in New York City.



M.F.A., New York Academy of Art (2018)
C.F.A. (Certificate of Fine Art), New York Academy of Art (2016)
Ph.D. and M.A., English and American Literature, Harvard University (1982)
Henry Fellow, Yale University (1978)
B.A., English Literature, University of Cambridge (1977)


Awards and Fellowships

Dahesh Museum of Art Award, New York Academy of Art (2018)
Barbara Bodichon Fellow, Girton College, University of Cambridge (2017-Present)


Professional Experience

Trustee, Cambridge in America (UK) Limited (2016-Present)
Prior Board memberships at Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited,
Cambridge in America,
and Eisenhower Fellowships (2006-2017)
Prior Insurance and Banking executive positions at MBIA and CapMAC Holdings (1996-2009)